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Don't Let Onions Make You Cry!

Updated: Sep 9, 2019

Here's a SUPER simple solution...a "kitchen hack"...that I use when it comes time to chopping onions. It must be done, right?! Food tastes better with onions (for some people) but NONE OF US like the intense burning that comes along with cutting up potent onions!

Simply fill up your kitchen sink with about 3 inches of water. [Mostly] Submerge the onion that you are ready to chop up and commence cutting. That's it! As long as the onion is under water the smell won't permeate causing your eyes to burn and nose to run.

I chop up the whole thing (depending on how you plan to use your onion will determine how you chop it up- totally your call) and then I strain out the pieces with my hands onto a paper towel to dry them out a little.

Listen, If I'm chopping an onion, chances are, I'm using it (or some of it) right away. So I use what I need and then I bag up the rest into "serving sizes" and freeze them. This way, the next time I need a chopped onion--viola! it's in the freezer, ready to go.

I hope this helps someone! Leave a comment if you tried this or if you have a food prep "trick" or other kitchen hack to share.

Recipe in My Crockpot:

4-5 frozen chicken breasts

1 can black beans

1 cup salsa

½ cup chopped onions

1 packet of taco seasoning

Slow Cooker for 6-8 hours.

Serve over chips, in a tortilla shell, or on a salad. YUMMY!

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