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Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

Updated: May 11, 2020

Practicing self-care is so important and can aid in preventing burnout, slowing down to enjoy life, and just plain keeping your sanity!

Sometimes the simplest things can help when it comes to taking good care of ourselves. Use these simple self-care ideas to create some “me time“ that will give you energy and refresh your spirit a little.

1. Meditate- Be quiet and still. Concentrate on your breaths. You don’t even have to think about anything. In fact, try not to.

2. Journal- Get your thoughts organized. Get your negative thoughts out on paper and throw them away. Or wrote down a list of things your grateful for and carry them with you. Add to it as the month progresses.

3. Learn Something New/Take a Class (a Pinterest craft, a class at the gym, an online webinar, etc.)

4. Listen to Your Favorite Music (and dance like no one is watching)

5. Go for a Walk or Hike

6. Get a Massage

7. Take a Nap (don’t feel guilty)

8. Spend Time with Your Friends

9. Make and Eat a Healthy Meal 

10. Enjoy a Hot Bath (I LOVE using Jordan Essentials Magnesium Dead Seat Salts to soak in a hot bath- so relaxing and beneficial!)

11. Bake Something for Someone Special 

12. Watch a Funny Movie

13. Sip a Cup of Herbal Tea or Coffee

14. Start a Gratitude Jar

15. Practice Yoga

Sometimes a simple bath or stroll around the neighborhood can be all we need to take us out of our own headspace and get back to a better state of mind. What is your favorite simple way to practice self-care? 

Follow this link to my YouTube channel for a guided self-reflexology video. Grab your favorite lotion and join in:

Hey, Do you want a FREE sample of my Dead Sea Salt Soak with Magnesium? Fill out this form for a sample:

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