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40 Bags in 40 Days- Declutter During Lent, 2022!

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

The Lenten Season begins on Ash Wednesday which is March 2, 2022.

I will be doing the #40bagsin40days challenge again this year.

As a #catholic I honor Jesus' time in the desert by making sacrifices in the 40days leading to Easter known as #lent I encourage my kids to give up something that they’ll miss (like sweets or soda or french fries), do something extra that requires thought and attention, or incorporate more prayer time or intentionally "unplug" during Lent--all of these things can look different to everyone. For me, doing the #40bags40days challenge during Lent is a reminder to me that we can live simpler and many of the items that I declutter will get donated so as to bless someone else.

Decluttering and cleaning my home is something that I take pride in, but does sometimes get pushed to the back burner. I love creating spaces that feel "lighter" to me and comfortable for my family and our friends. I’ll be documenting some of my progress on Instagram and HOPING to get weekly video progress uploaded on my YouTube channel for inspiration for all my followers and subscribers.

I invite you to join in as well--no progress is too small. I created a document for you to print, as I did, and visually check off the "bags" that head out of the house for good. This can be trash, donations of any sort, boxes and bags-large or small.

Share YOU progress with me in the comments on social if you'd like. I'll be cheering you on!

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