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New Year. New Word, 2024

As many know, for the past several years I have chosen a word instead of a resolution for the New Year. For me it seems easier to revisit and check in with when life feels chaotic or when I start to feel aimless or just stuck.

Last year my word was BETTER.

This year my word is ACHIEVEMENT.

I have specifics in mind for this word but some things are better left in one’s own head or on one’s own heart. I’m proud of myself for doing BETTER at things this past year and 2024 feels like a good year to ACHIEVE some of those important-to-me things.

Choosing a word seems to work better (most years) than making some resolution. in years past, I’d make a resolution and fee like I failed when I didn’t stick to it or “reach it” if it was some type of goal.

I still have GOALS, but I check in with my word to help make my goals a reality.

I begin thinking about it through the month of December, as I reflect on my year. This year, as I grow from BETTER, I feel myself needing to ACHIEVE, it feels like a natural progression as I strive to reach some personal goals.

Today is the perfect day to unveil my word because I slept well and am feeling clear about what I want for myself and my family this year.

These first couple of weeks of the year always seem to naturally have me thinking of what I want future me to appreciate and have and do because as I start to pack away Christmas decor, I think about how I’ll organize it in a way that future me has an easy time putting it up next year…this is how my brain works... always thinking of ways to make things easier for future me🤣🤪

Do you choose a word? Care to share?

I’d love to hear what others are aspiring to this year.

Leave a comment on my Facebook post or my Instagram post and let me know your word.

Cheers to 2024!

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