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Surviving Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Seasonal allergies are a nuisance that unfortunately, many of us suffer from.

With a season change in full swing where I am, now is the time to think about the changing weather and the wave of springtime allergies.

My daughter has terrible springtime allergies- puffy, watery eyes; sneezy, runny nose.. the whole bit. While we still do OTC meds to help with the symptoms there are several natural ways we help alleviate symptoms and delay the onset this time of year. Here are some quick tips on how to nip those seasonal allergies in the bud:

The reason I joined Jordan Essentials was because of the Joyful Jordan Box! The JJ Box os our monthly surprise box which you can join as a subscription which includes FREE SHIPPING each month or purchase monthly on a party of regular customer order.

In March 2019 the box contained an Allergy Mag Stick and our Healthy Home Spray. I wanted that Mag Stick for my daughter and the Healthy Home Spray was the perfect thing to get me a little more into the brand--I was hooked! And as they say...the rest is history.

Now every year, we start using the Allergy Blend products from Jordan Essentials in mid March to help us get ready mentally and physically for the seasonal allergy season.

Get your Allergy Blend products! Check out the Joyful Jordan Box; View the full catalog, or shop the my webstore anytime by checking out my website:

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