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New Year, New…Word, 2023.

Updated: Jan 7

For the passed several years I have chosen a word instead of a resolution for the New Year. It seems easier to revisit and check in with. There’s no “end game” just sticking to the word as it morphs into my days/weeks and year.

It seems to work better (most years) than making some resolution that I make year after year that probably most of the planet makes -- like, "lose weight”, “get fit”, “eat healthy”, etc. etc.

I still have GOALS, but my goals are ideas that I can see the big picture and create a plan to make that big picture happen. I use my word to make my goals a reality.

I thought about it a bit through the month of December, as I reflected on my year, and came up with the word BETTER. All I want is to keep getting better…like at everything—finances, health, fitness, business, home life, organizing, simplifying.

Today is the perfect day to unveil my word because I started out the week feeling motivated to get my house in better shape. I couldn’t sleep well last week because I’d been thinking about how I’ll organize my Christmas decor to pack it away so that future me has an easy time putting it up next year…this is how my brain works…this is what I lie in bed thinking about. Organizing. Simplifying. Making things easier for future me🤣🤪

There have been things throughout 2022 that have led me to choose BETTER as my word for 2023.

Using Jordan Essentials products always has me talking about how we can do better for ourselves and our families by choosing these natural, botanically based, nontoxic products. This is something I will continue to do for myself and my family in an effort for better.

See for yourself:➡️

A few months ago, I found a company called Prüvit. The company's tag line is something like “Your Journey To Better” and I’ve been using their supplements since October of 2022. I’m looking forward to continuing but amping up my efforts in order to see better results towards my health and fitness goals.

I mean, HELLO?!, when a company slogan matches up to your New Year’s resolution word, it kinda makes ya feel like you are in the right place at the right time.

If you are interested in accepting the challenge like I did, to better, click here:↙️

Interestingly enough my YouTube channel even found an outlet to tie to BETTER.

My friend and fellow YouTuber hosts a collaboration each month and I asked to join in January. Guess what the collab is named? “Ten Minutes BETTER”. No kidding! Did the stars align on that one or what?

I’d love for you to check out my video and the playlist:⬇️

Resolution or Word for the New Year | 10 Minutes Better | January 2022

What are your resolutions or goal for 2023? Do you set goals? Make a vision board? Or create a purposeful word, like me?


One of my measurable goals is to grow my communities on social media.

I’d love to connect! Check out my YouTube channel and subscribe:↙️

Join my VIP Group on Facebook for more info and exclusives from me Jordan Essentials:↙️

Happy New Year!

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